The current posting for Federal Business Opportunity (693JJ920RQ000179) under NAICS:541611 will be the second iteration of this requirement. The current posted name is Freedom of Information Action (FOIA) Support Services for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). This procurement takes place out of the NHTSA Office of Acquisition within National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) out of the Department of Transportation.
Current 693JJ920RQ000179 Posting
The procurement posting, 693JJ920RQ000179, was released on December 2, 2019 under NAICS: 541611. Responses are due December 11, 2019.
Possible Current Incumbent:
Current Incumbent Contract awarded to CTR Management Group LLC under Delivery/Task Order DTNH22-17-F-00180 from FSS Contract GS03F002DA on 09/29/2017 for a Base and All Options Value of $959,325.24 with a Estimated Ultimate Completion Date as 09/30/2019. Title is listed as “Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Support Services.”
The Total of all posted contract actions to date for this contract is $2,028,050.26.
The most recent posted contract action was Delivery/Task Order DTNH22-17-F-00180 Modification P00003 on 09/17/2019 to Exercise an Option. The value of this Delivery/Task Order was $786,725.02 that brings the overall Base and All Options value to $2,028,050.26. The Estimated Ultimate Completion Date of this Delivery/Task Order is now 09/29/2020. There has been a total of 5 FPDS Contract Action postings under this contract number. There was a total of 1 Offer from previous procurement cycle as a 8(a) Sole Source procurement.
Total Posted Contract Actions
Prior Postings:
The information provided in this Federal Government Contracting Opportunity was obtained through open research utilizing open Federal Government procurement websites. The information must be accessible to all in order to appear in this information piece.